CSA Crime Reporting Form

Campus Security Authority:

Please complete this form to report a Clery Act crime to Oregon State University. For questions about the form or your reporting obligations, please contact [email protected] or 541-737-4538.  Submitting a report here DOES NOT initiate a law enforcement report. If a crime reported to you could be an ongoing threat, it should be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety for a potential campus-wide notification.This will not automatically generate a law enforcement report. If you would like to report to law enforcement, please call 911 (emergency) or Oregon State University Public Safety Dispatch at 541-737-3010 (non-emergency) and ask to file a police report. 

Reporting Person
When was this crime reported to you?
Details of the Crime
Please provide as much information about the incident as possible.
A Hate Crime occurs when a criminal offense is committed against a person or property and the crime is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias. In addition to the other criminal offenses listed in this form, larceny/theft, simple assault, intimidation, and vandalism (damage/destruction of property) are reportable when motivated by bias against a protected class. For example, an Aggravated Assault motivated by the offender's bias is reportable both as an Aggravated Assault and Aggravated Assault-Hate Crime. However, a theft is only reportable when it was motivated by the offender's bias. If a hate (bias) related crime was reported to you, please complete the following information about the type of bias involved in the crime.